Posted on February 10, 2009 at 10:52 pm

Hellobama, one and all!

Lots of gigs to tell you about, but first, to answer the question that’s being emailed to me at least ten times a day: The 13 vocal selections folio will be released in stores next month! Yes, finally, Hal Leonard is releasing the music to twelve songs from the show; it’s 128 pages of total awesomeness, so just hang on for another month and you can get it at your local music store or Amazon or wherever. Now you can dress up like Allie Trimm and sing “What It Means To Be A Friend” at your next audition for Five Guys Named Moe. Yay!

Okay, concerts! First, the Caucasian Rhythm Kings and I are doing it up in Southern California. On FEBRUARY 20 AND 21, Shoshana Bean is joining us for wild revelry at the Covina Center in Covina, CA. We’ll be doing a big show with some other special guests and new songs and lots of the indulgent solos you’ve come to love. What more do you need? We’ve got metric modulations, Jewish chicks belting, occasional unintentional polytonality, and Randy playing a big shiny bass with no frets. It’s a total sensory experience. You can click here for more info on the show, or click here for tickets! Concerts start at 8 pm at the Covina Center, 104 N. Citrus Ave, Covina CA 91723.

I’m also hosting a masterclass in musical theatre performance in Covina on the 21st, and slots are still available (I think…). Click here for more info.

The next night, FEBRUARY 22, we’re doing a special concert at USC (where I teach), with a whole different program and guests. The tickets will be first-come, first-serve, with priority going to USC students. Doors open at 6:30 pm for a 7 pm concert, and the show’s at Bovard Auditorium on the USC campus. For directions, you can click here.

Not on the West Coast? Don’t fret!

MARCH 13 brings me and the boys back to the Stockbridge Theatre in Derry, NH for a madcap musical mélange. The last time we went to New Hampshire, the whole area got hit by a crazy blizzard and only about nine people could make it to the show, so there are a lot of eager New Englanders who are gonna be ready for a party, and we’re gonna give it to ’em! Click here for tickets!

Not even in the United States? Well, we’re showing Europe some love as well. The Caucasian Rhythm Kings make their official Danish debut on MARCH 21, at the KONCERTHUSET in Copenhagen (that’s København to the locals). In addition to me and the boys, a whole host of Scandinavian musical theater stars will be coming to sing in impressively unaccented English, and we really hope you’ll be there too! I mean, really, how long of a trip is it? Go take one of those trains you Europeans are famous for and meet us in Copenhagen! Click here for billetter.

And finally (for now), it wouldn’t be spring without a return engagement at New York’s legendary Birdland – a full week of concerts from MARCH 31 THROUGH APRIL 4, with Lauren Kennedy and a pile of other amazing singers. I have a crazy idea about what I’m going to do for these concerts, but I don’t want to tell you yet in case I chicken out. (Incidentally, here’s the company I’m in: if you come to Birdland on March 30, you’ll see my amazingly talented partner-in-child-rearing GEORGIA STITT rocking the house; and if you stay after my concerts, the basically perfect JESSICA MOLASKEY does her show at 9 pm with the JOHN PIZZARELLI QUARTET. Not too shabby. Larry Fuller is going to be so mad having to play the piano after I knock it out of tune every night.) You want tickets, you say? Merely make with the clicky-clicky right here and your wishes shall be granted.

Have I said too much? There’s nothing more I can think of to say to you, but all you have to do is go to to know that every word is true!

I hope to see you all soon!
Jason Robert Brown