Posted on January 6, 2015 at 5:36 pm

Out of the Sun

You’re Thinking about Donna, right?

Remember how she’d lie out here, with the Sidney Sheldon books and coconut oil?

She couldn’t get enough.

All day, every day. Right after breakfast, always at the same spot, by the shallow end.

When we’re young, we think that
We’re invincible.
We act like we know all there is to
We pop our pills, or smoke our dope
And never realize that hope
Is just a visitor, a guest star on
The show.

When we’re young, we don’t know
From impossible.
We put our faith in moxie and
But when it’s ripped away, Tossed
Out the door,
It strips your innocence right to
The core,
And soon you spend your time just
Wishing for
A second chance.

I never knew – I never guessed
That what could kill you is the
Thing you love the best.
I should have gotten her out of the

When she reclined, clouds
She smelled like coconuts from all
The oil she shmeared.
I should have gotten her
Out of the sun!

But she was beautiful, beyong
Roasting like a chicken in her
Look at how the color of her hair
Changes as the day burns on.
She wore no Coppertone,
She wore no hat.
The doctors swore they never saw
Skin look like that,
Like a saddlebag.
Ooh, saddlebag…

I was a fool –
So blind and deaf.
I might have saved her with a
Higher S.P.F.,
But now she’s gone! What’s past is
What’s done is done!
Could I feel rottener?
I wish I’d gotten ‘er
Out of the sun.