Posted on May 19, 2012 at 12:37 am
She Cries
There’s a couple of things I’ve learned
On the many roads I’ve taken
Flames are not what get you burned
It’s the cold and the ice
Here’s a piece of advice that I got from a little bird
The flames can get you stirred –
It’s the cold that leaves you shaken.
I don’t like to philosophize
I just want to tell a story
Always leave when a woman cries
Never look in a woman’s eyes
You’ll get stuck with a high and rising fever
And then you can’t leave her.
Please don’t wait, man –
It’s almost too late, man…
She cries and you want to hold her
She lies and you want to run away
But just give her a minute,
I promise you’re in it to stay.
She smiles and you’ll stay forever,
She screams, well, that’s the price you pay,
But there’s no one can make you forget how you feel,
For all she can take, you’ve got more there to steal,
So you don’t mind a bit of surprise…
And she cries.
I don’t like to admit I’m wrong,
I believe in guts and glory.
But it’s time I should change my song –
I’ve been here just a bit too long
Always thought I was much too strong for hating,
But still I keep waiting.
And while I’m resolving,
The door keeps revolving.
She cries and you want to hold her
She lies and you’re halfway out the door
But you never can do it,
She’ll make you go through it once more.
She smiles and you’ll stay forever
She sings – she’s got you now for sure.
And each time that you swear that you will not give in,
She’ll throw you a stare that’ll show you can’t win.
It’s amazing how hard each man tries…
But she cries.
All of a sudden, you fall for her charms.
You promise you’ll stop all her tears
All of a sudden, she’s back in your arms –
And the walls start closing
And blocking out the light
And changing all your dreams
And right before your eyes…
She cries, and I don’t know the answer
She spies, and there’s no place I can hide.
When I look in the mirror,
There’s nothing but fear here inside.
I run, and still she’s right behind me.
I fall – the chasm is too wide,
So I’m stuck in this world of her magic mystique
Where I’ll never be more than her toy of the week,
But each time I prepare my goodbyes,
She catches me looking –
She opens the floodgates –
She cries.
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