Posted on August 21, 2018 at 1:56 pm

I come to sing a song about hope.
I’m not inspired much right now, but even so,
I came out here to sing a song. So here I go.
I guess I think
That if I tinker long enough, one might appear.
And look! It’s here.
One verse is done.
The work’s begun.
I come to sing a song about hope.
In spite of everything ridiculous and sad,
Though I’m beyond belief depressed, confused
and mad,
Well – I got dressed.
I underestimated how much that would take.
I didn’t break
Until right now.
I sing of hope
And don’t know how.
So maybe I can substitute “strength,”
Because I’m strong.
I’m strong enough.
I got through lots of things I didn’t think I
And so did you.
I know that’s true.
And so we sing a song about hope.
Though I can’t guarantee there’s something real
behind it,
I have to try to show my daughters I can fi nd it,
And so today –
When life is crazy and impossible to bear –
It must be there.
Fear never wins.
That’s what I hope.
See? I said “hope.”
The work begins.