Posted on February 5, 2014 at 9:36 pm
The Chanukah Suite
I. S’vivon/Al Hanisim
[NB. The title on the first page says “Al Hanism”, but all subsequent occurrences are “Al hanisim”]
S’vivon, sov, sov, sov! Chanukah hu chag tov. Chanukah hu chag tov. S’vivon, sov, sov, sov.
Dreidel, spin, spin, spin! Hannukah is a good holiday. Hannukah is a good holiday. Dreidel, spin, spin, spin!
Chag simcha hu la-am nes-gadol haya sham, nes-gadol haya sham, Chag simcha hu la-am
A happy holiday for our people, a great miracle happened there. A great miracle happened there, a happy holiday for our people.
S’vivon, sov, sov, sov! S’vivon, sov, sov, sov! Chanukah hu chag tov. S’vivon, sov, sov, sov!
Dreidel, spin, spin, spin! Dreidel, spin, spin, spin. Hannukah is a good holiday. Dreidel, spin, spin spin!
Al hanisim v’al hadurkan v’al h’ag’vurot v’al hat’shuot, v’al hamilchamot she-asita la-avoteinu bayamim haheim bazman hazeh. (3 times)
We thank the Lord for the miracles, the deliverance, the mighty deeds and the glorious victories which He wrought for our fathers in the past at this time of year.
II. Mi Yemalel
Mi yemalel g’vu-rot Yisrael? Otan mi yim-neh?
Who can retell the things that befell Israel? Who can count them?
Hen b’kol dor ya-kum ha-gi-bor go-el ha-am!
In ev’ry age a hero or wise man came to help us! (repeat)
Sh’ma! Bayamim ha-hem baz’man hazeh. Makabi moshia ufodeh
Hark! In the olden days in Israel’s ancient land, Maccabeus led a loyal band
Uv-yamenu kol am Yisrael, yit-ahed yakum lehi-ga-el.
But now Israel must rise as one, and find redemption through action and sacrifice.
Mi yemalel g’vu-rot Yisrael? Otan mi yim-neh?
Who can retell the things that befell Israel? Who can count them?
Hen b’kol dor ya-kum ha-gi-bor go-el ha-am!
In every age a hero or wise man came to help us! (repeat)
Sh’ma! Sh’ma! Sh’ma!
Hark! Hark! Hark!
III. Finale: Ma’oz Tsur
Ma’oz tsur yeshuati lekha naeh leshabeach.
Rock of ages, let our song praise Your saving power
Tikon bet tefilati ve sham todah nezabeach,
Among raging enemies, You are the tower that shelters us
Le-et takhin mat beach, mitzar hamnabeach
Furious, they assailed us, but Your arms protected us.
Az egmor beshir mizmor hanukat hamizbeach
Your word broke their sword, when our strength failed us (repeat)
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