Posted on February 12, 2012 at 5:48 pm
The awesome folks at Starving Artists Studios in Orlando, FL brought me down South for a concert and masterclass, and I brought along Gary Sieger, my longtime guitarist, because his entire family lives in Florida and they haven’t ever seen us play together. So we did a duo set for the first time and had a blast, and the audience had a great time right along with us! Thanks to Tim Evanicki and the whole gang for a top-notch experience!
All Things In Time
I Could Be In Love With Someone Like You
Long Long Road
She Cries
Being A Geek
King of the World
When You Say Vegas
Over/The Old Red Hills of Home
Caravan of Angels
Moving Too Fast
Someone To Fall Back On
Thanks, Floridians, for such a warm welcome! We hope to come back soon!
Thanks so much for coming down! It was easily the best concert I’ve ever seen, and I really dig the newer material.
Mr Brown,
First, you should know I’m perhaps one of your biggest fans. Second, please know that I’m aware I know nothing about the business of musical theater, and that it’s ridiculous I’m posting this on your blog. Anyway, my boyfriend happened to send me this link and I couldn’t help thinking if you got involved in this project, it would be one of the most epically awesome events of a lifetime, and I felt the drive to share this with you. This seems to make sense to me as I lay in bed at 2:30AM, not being able to sleep. Can you say commercial success?
It was AWESOME seeing you in Master Class and Concert. You motivate and inspire young musicians naturally, and… well, thank you for the big impact you’ve had on my writing over the past several years, culminating into a glorious ecstasy on Feb. 4th.
Hey JRB. This has nothing to do with the most recent blog entry but I thought I would let you and your webmaster know that none of the links on your website are working. Especially the “nag the webmaster” and the “ask JRB” links 😀 Thanks!
[FROM JRB: I know, it’s all really finicky at the moment – there’s a whole new website coming in a couple of months!]
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