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Monthly Archives: September 2024



I don’t know about how it works in your house, but in our little corner of show business, the first Tuesday of September feels like someone shot a starter pistol in Times Square and suddenly there’s a guy screaming “BACK TO WORK, YOU WEASELS!” and everyone is running frantically to their desks. I hadn’t heard from my agent or lawyer for months and then at 10 am Tuesday there was a veritable tsunami of emails. Well, all right, welcome back then. I mean, I’ve been here the whole time, but hi. Here’s some fun stuff! Last Wednesday night, I wasRead More »

“THE CONNECTOR” Deep Dive Issue #3: Moto Perpetuo


Analyzing the opening number, “The Whole World Changed,” featuring Yehudi Menuhin, Philip Glass, cameos from two of my previous scores, our next Commander-in-Chief cast in resin, a Yeti with a Tony Award, and so much more!