Posted on March 3, 2012 at 11:05 pm

A wild and wacky night at the Woodland Opera House! Apparently all of this traveling is catching up with me – I didn’t put together the set list before the show, so I was just winging it for most of the night, and that turns out not to be the best way to put a concert together. Thank you, fine people of Woodland, for putting up with my thrilling memory lapses and endless blather.

Lesson of the night: If you decide on the spot to do a song that you haven’t even thought about in two years, don’t be surprised if you screw up the lyrics completely.

All Things In Time
I Could Be In Love With Someone Like You
Long Long Road
I’m In Bizness

(This was the one I thought would just be “fun” to pull out of my back pocket after not having performed it since Fargo, North Dakota. Suffice to say that it’s hard to keep up the momentum of this song when you cannot for the life of you remember what the next line is. Sorry, Woodland, I owe you one.)
Stars and the Moon
Being A Geek


Nothing In Common
When You Say Vegas
Out Of The Sun
King of the World
The Old Red Hills of Home
Caravan of Angels
Moving Too Fast
Someone To Fall Back On

Many thanks to Jeff Kean and Mary Hayakawa and all the folks at Woodland Opera House for putting together a great day, and best wishes to the amazing kids doing 13 up there later this month!