Posted on March 14, 2011 at 11:32 pm

Unbeknownst to me, the sound engineer in Brisbane recorded our show on Friday, and since we’ve been having so much fun doing the concerts, I thought I’d share some of that recording with you all. Enjoy the sound of me mashing an unsuspecting Australian Steinway to smithereens.

[For sound nerds: It’s a pretty weird recording technically, with the distortion and the delay and the placement of the vocal in the mix. And there’s also the question of my pitch on the long “need,” but if I can let it go enough to publish it here, so can you.]

“Long Long Road” (1997)
Music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown
JRB: piano and vocals
Recorded live at QLD Conservatorium Theatre at Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 3/11/11

Final performance of the tour tomorrow night in Adelaide! Hurry on Down Under!